How Does a Speech Therapist Help Your Child?

A speech therapist specialises in helping people experiencing different types of speech difficulties as well as language issues like dyslexia and dyspraxia. Speech Therapists deal with people of all age groups, especially children.

As per the top ENT doctors in Jaipur, when we talk about speech difficulties, children are more likely to experience such problems and hence require proper care and support.

You can find some of the top speech therapists who specialise in treating children suffering from the following problems:

Articulation disorders: when a child experiences difficulty in saying certain words and sounds in the correct manner. The child may even lisp.

Fluency disorders: when a child experiences difficulty in saying the complete word or frequently repeats certain sounds. The child may stutter or stammer.

Resonance or voice disorders: the child is not able to express himself clearly due to mumbling sounds. Sometimes it seems as if the child is speaking through his nose.

Language disorders: the child experiences difficulty in expressing his thoughts in words.

Speech therapy can help such children to speak more clearly thereby improving the quality of their life. Speech disorders can have a very deep impact on a child’s mental health and give rise to self-esteem issues. The child finds it difficult to interact with others.

A  speech therapist can help children suffering from hearing impairment, weak muscles around the mouth, vocal nodules/ hoarseness, autism, breathing disorder and swallowing disorder.

The treatment procedure usually starts with a speaking test to determine the type of speech problem that your child has. The kid will be asked to pronounce certain words. After careful assessment, the doctor proceeds with the paediatric treatment.

One of the most important solutions to various speech problems is practice. The doctor will make certain sounds and ask the child to copy them. The child gradually starts copying the way in which the therapist moves his lips, tongue and mouth. He may even make your child sit in front of a mirror while speaking to boost his/her confidence. Speech therapists use a very playful method, making sure that the child is in his comfort zone and is enjoying the whole procedure.

Speech therapists may also recommend some simple routines that you can follow at home to help your child. Parents need to understand that speech disorders can be emotionally challenging for the child and as such you should consult a specialist as soon as possible.

Speech therapists use language intervention activities to build skills in various ways like modelling and giving feedback. The therapist may use books, pictures, videos as well as various language drills. Articulation therapy helps the child to understand how to move the tongue while making certain sounds. Feeding and swallowing therapy is also offered to strengthen the facial muscles of your child.

Hence it is advisable to consult a speech therapist in Jaipur if your child is suffering from any type of speech disorder for proper assessment and treatment.

What is Medical Nutritional therapy and How does it help?

When I was researching in Rajasthan, a crucial dilemma on my mind was to deal with my diet because I am already diabetic (specifically, it is Type 2 diabetes). Initially, I was unable to make up my mind whether I should pursue my research there or not. I even thought of leaving this career prospect because I was on a special diet plan for my overall well-being. I talked to my doctor in detail about this, he recommended me a few top dietitians in Jaipur and assured me about their credibility and positive work experience.

At this point, I should jump to the details of what is medical nutritional therapy rather than describing my sad state of affairs (I am writing this article in full health, you can undoubtedly assume that I am happy and in full control of my diabetic situation, thanks to my doctor of Medical Nutrition Therapy in Jaipur). Now coming to the kernel of this discussion, Medical Nutritional Therapy, often abbreviated as commonly referred to as MNT, it is a special diet plan curated to suit the health condition of the patient. Medical Nutritional Therapy is also an effective way of regulating those individuals who are suffering from severe health conditions such as diabetes (like me) and chronic kidney disease (CKD).

In all these affairs, Medical Nutritional Therapy links the entire eating habits of the patient along with the environment in which they eat and cook. Basically, the latter aspect of Medical Nutritional Therapy distinguishes it from other modes of therapy and provides control to the patient over there eating habits and diet. When I was in Mumbai, I used to visit my nutritionists for regular health check-ups and variations were made in my diet and exercising routine as per my bodily changes and the overall state of health, they implemented a medical nutritional therapy to accomplish control over my diabetic condition with it.

As part of my medical nutritional therapy, she followed the standard method which includes both assessment and educational aspects. Basically, the part of assessment is curated as a sort of supervision and survey to regulate those surroundings of the patient that impact his or her eating habits such as the structure of the kitchen and also the lifestyle of the patient is evaluated to include those dietary habits which can at the same time fit in the working of the patient and provide aid to their overall well-being. The second part of Medical Nutritional Therapy is to educate the patient in terms of what is right for their health and what should be avoided.

If you are suffering from Type 2 Diabetes or CKD or there is any other such problem on your behalf, you can opt diabetes treatments for Medical Nutritional Therapy as well. Make sure that you talk to your general physician before making any changes. Often general physicians work along with dieticians and nutritionists to gain healthy outcomes for the patient.