
How diet can affect your body?

The food we consume gives our bodies nutrients, energy and essential materials thanks required to work appropriately. On the off chance that we don’t get the right information to our body, our metabolic cycles endure and our health declines.

Assuming that we get a lot of food, or food that gives our bodies no benefits but harm in that case, we can become overweight, undernourished, and in danger of getting badly ill with various conditions, like joint pain, diabetes, and acute heart disease.

If we summaries it we can say that , it basically means the type of food we eat decides how our health will be.

“Food acts as a source of medicine–to maintain body health, prevent, and even to treat disease.

The key to a well-balanced healthy diet is not to consume too much of certain food items like salt, sugar, and food which is high in fat. Nowadays it’s pretty common to get bombarded with the latest food fad or trendy ingredient and that’s where we lose sight of the balance.  A well balanced diet is absolutely necessary for a healthier self.

We can always take short – term benefits from such energy based food items but maintaining a long term good diet always pays off long term benefits.

When we consider changing our long term eating habits, we often look for food items that we can cut rather than the foods items we need to add. By adding more nutritional foods into our daily diet, it helps to alleviate non nutritional foods which are also known as “empty calories” without leaving us deprived from the benefits.

Healthy Eating Benefits

We’ve all been told by our parents and doctors that healthy eating can transform your life and help you live a longer and more active life. But the main question is what does healthy eating actually mean and how do you start putting this into practice and getting rid of your bad eating habits? For some of us, switching to healthy food habits may be a way to lose weight, for others the goal may be to lower their high blood pressure, and for some of us, it may be a way to live a healthier life.

However, this transformation doesn’t happen overnight. You can’t simply switch your lifestyle and the way you eat as well as getting rid of all the unhealthy cravings. This is a slow process and can be simply done by choosing steamed broccoli as a side rather than going for some crispy potatoes. It’s actually quite simple that even choosing an apple over chips for your mid-morning snack can make the difference.

So, simply switch to a healthy diet and see the difference.

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Why Maintaining Good Mental Health May Help You Protect Your Heart?

When you’re stressed, anxious, or depressed, you may feel overwhelmed. However, did you know that this can affect your heart too? The relationship between your mental health and your heart is a two-way street.  According to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, depression increases your risk of heart disease by up to 64%. Our expert from the cardiac hospital in Jaipur has helped us to understand the facts better. 

What’s the correlation between your heart and your mind?

Colloquially, our minds and hearts are positioned as total opposite conditions. However, according to science, the brain and the heart might not work so differently after all. 

As per our best cardiologist in Jaipur, a substantial drop in either one may be linked with a decline in the other too. 

When you are depressed, anxious, or stressed, your heart rate and blood pressure rise, blood flow to the heart is reduced, and your body produces more cortisol, a stress hormone. These effects can eventually lead to heart disease. Depression and anxiety can also develop as a result of cardiac events such as heart failure, stroke, or heart attack.

What is the psychological impact of heart disease: 

A heart attack can have far-reaching consequences. It can have an impact on many other aspects of a person’s life, such as:

  • Attitude and temperament
  • Feelings of security about the future
  • Self-assurance in one’s ability to perform the duties of a productive employee, mother, father, daughter, or son
  • Guilt over previous habits that may have increased the person’s risk of having a heart attack
  • Embarrassment and self-doubt as a result of diminished physical abilities

The majority of heart attack survivors are able to resume their previous roles and responsibilities. When uncertainty and anxiety become incapacitating and interfere with daily life functions, the process of rehabilitation and recovery following a heart attack may require psychological and psychiatric support, as well as possibly medication.

Heart disease and depression in women: 

Females aremore likely to develop heart ailments due to depression. Heart disease disproportionately affects the elderly, and one-third of women recovering from a heart attack live alone, with no immediate family member or spouse to turn to for physical and emotional support.

How can you recognize depression symptoms by knowing your heart health? 

Heart disease and depression frequently share symptoms such as fatigue, low energy, and difficulty sleeping and maintaining daily routines. So it’s not surprising that symptoms of depression are sometimes misdiagnosed as heart disease by the patient, the patient’s family, and the cardiologist.

Many members of the medical community have emphasized the importance of raising awareness among patients, families, and physicians about the prevalence of post-heart attack depression. Because depression is treated differently than heart disease, physicians must understand its significance.

Heart disease recovery and depression: what kind of support do you need? 

Individuals recovering from a heart attack or other serious cardiac event can receive a variety of services. Cardiovascular rehabilitation, social groups, and more specialized evaluation and treatment by psychologists, psychiatrists, and psychiatric social workers are examples of these.

Cardiac rehabilitation – Many clinical exercise centers across the country, including Johns Hopkins, offer supervised forms of exercise. Your carefully monitored program may include an activity and nutrition plan designed specifically for heart attack recovery. Seeing the progress of others recovering from a heart attack has been shown in studies to significantly improve mood and confidence.

Social support – Following a heart attack, it is natural to withdraw and lose social confidence. However, according to some studies, making an extra effort to re-engage and socialize is beneficial.

Social support – Following a heart attack, it is natural to withdraw and lose social confidence. On the other hand, making an extra effort to re-engage and socialize with friends can, according to some studies, help you return to the person you were before, which can be critical to heart attack recovery.

If you or your loved ones are going through low times in their lives, then you can consult our experts practicing in the best hospital in Jaipur. They willhelp you out by providing the best possible treatment for you.  

Red Wine or White Wine – Which is Good for a Kidney

There are many reports backed by statistics that state the impact of wine on the health of the people. The adverse effect of alcohol on the condition of the kidney has always been discussed in the medical field because of its manifestation and impact. Lately, many reports were undertaken to study whether the intake of alcohol positively affects health at all. Later in the finding, it was cleared as the findings that out of all the alcoholic beverages, wine consumed in a limited quantity can have a good impact on the condition of the kidneys. Since there is already an established relationship between limited intake of alcohol with health benefits to the heart, the connection of wine with the health of the kidneys was further researched to see how exactly the intake of wine helped. As per reports from a trusted source, the intake of wine decreases the levels of protein in the urine. It has to be considered that it is only true when the amount of wine intake is moderate. The lower level of protein in the urine is good for reducing the risk of kidney diseases.

To the question of which wine is better for kidneys, is it red wine or white fine? We found your answer and voila! Red Wine. The advantage of red wine for the good condition of the kidneys is particularly based upon the process through which it is created. The process of fermentation of red wine is assorted together with the skins, seeds, and stem of the grape. The beautiful red pigmentation of red wine is also derived from the same as enriches it with healthy plant compounds. The composition of red wine provides various health benefits which are not only good for the kidneys but also have a similar impact on the heart.

The most important thing that should always be considered before linking the relationship between the consumption of red wine and the health of the kidney is that the quantity of intake should be acknowledged. Any research which states that wine is good for the kidney specifically focuses on the moderate amount of alcohol which should not cross the limit. If the standard limits of wine intake are crossed, the benefits are canceled out which results in adverse effects on the kidneys.

To study the adverse effect of alcohol on kidneys, we have to see how alcohol interferes with the functioning of the kidney. The kidneys perform filtration of blood which keeps the toxic elements out of our body. The consumption of alcohol leads to dehydration of the body which simultaneously acts on the other cells and organs of the body. It is clearly advised to not drink alcohol because human beings are often not capable of limiting the amount of alcohol intake and as clear as it could be chronic drinking is a major threat to the health of the liver which also affects the kidneys and can disarray the normal function of kidneys. And the failure of the liver is associated with the dysfunction of the kidneys.

Both chronic drinking and binge drinking is not good for the health of the kidneys. The intake of too much alcohol at a time that binge drinking can lead to acute kidney injury in which the kidneys of the affected person stop performing normally which needs emergency medical attention and at times, dialysis.

As kidney specialists say that major conditions of kidney diseases are associated with high blood pressure and alcohol primarily does that. If the consumption of alcohol crosses the standard limit, it triggers an increase in blood pressure which is not only bad for the heart but also severely impacts the condition of the kidneys and if the person is on medications for any heart problem with deals with high blood pressure, the effect provided by the medication is canceled out by the consumption of alcohol.

All of these arguments are based on observations and trusted reports of how intake of alcohol is not good for health even though moderate drinking can have positive effects, it is still advised to not consume alcohol. Any research or report should not become a reason for a person to start drinking alcohol. Staying away is much better than consuming a little and then crossing the limit.

Even though the consumption of alcohol is looked down upon as an inclining factor towards an unhealthy lifestyle that can cause serious impacts on health and general well-being but kidney specialists in Jaipur say there is a loophole. Keeping the base of their statement on the standard findings of eminent research which were undertaken by top-notch institutions which are affiliated with the medical field, they state that a little consumption of wine is actually good for health. The composition of wine is enriched with elements that are packed with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory characteristics. We contacted the best kidney treatment hospital in India to know which kind of wine is good for the condition of the kidneys and the answer was red wine. Even though both red wine and white wine have similar impacts on health but red wine has a slightly higher composition of vitamins and minerals which boosts the condition of the kidneys and reduces the risks of chronic kidney diseases.

Source – https://www.eternalhospital.com/title/red-wine-or-white-wine-which-is-good-for-a-kidney

Keeping Your Aortic Valve Healthy


A human heart has 4 valves, the aortic valve being the largest of all. It controls the flow of blood from the left ventricle to the main artery, i.e. the aorta. You will be surprised to know that the aortic valve opens and closes 60 times in a minute without taking any rest. Hence, the valve is constantly under a lot of stress and strain. A time passes by, this can either lead to gradual wear and tear of the valve or trigger plaque formation. All these hinder the normal flow of blood via the valve. This is commonly referred to as Aortic stenosis. Doctors specializing in Heart failure treatment in Jaipur suggest that aortic stenosis if left untreated, can lead to serious complications and even make you more vulnerable to heart failure.

Although you cannot completely negate the risks of aortic stenosis, you can bring down the same by inculcating some healthy practices in your daily routine:

  1. Focus on eating healthy – Whatever goes inside your body directly, or indirectly impacts all the organs. This includes the heart as well. Valves of people with elevated cholesterol levels are more vulnerable to regular wear and tear as compared to those with healthy cholesterol levels. Hence it is important to keep your cholesterol levels under check by avoiding foods that are rich in it. This includes processed foods and refined carbs.

Sodium, too, is not good for your heart. Limit your salt intake and try to keep it on the lower side.

Avoid eating out and give preference to home-cooked food instead of ordering online. When you prepare your meals yourself, you have the power to control the portions of all the ingredients. Try to add more greens to your diet and replace all the unhealthy fats with healthy ones. These include olive oil, eggs, dark chocolate, nuts, avocado etc.

Don’t skip your meals, it is important to eat after regular intervals. 4 to 5 small diets are much better than having 3 full-fledged meals.

If you are finding it difficult to figure out a proper diet plan, consult a specialist to help you with the same.

Doctors specializing in TAVI heart valve replacement surgery in Jaipur, suggest that a healthy diet can significantly help to alleviate the risks of aortic stenosis, as well as other chronic heart diseases.

  1. Keep a track of your blood pressure – Blood pressure, as the name suggests, refers to the pressure at which blood flows within your blood vessels. Elevated blood pressure levels can put an unnecessary strain on the blood vessels, as well as the various structures of the heart. This can increase unnecessary wear and tear and put you at an increased risk of developing aortic stenosis. People with high blood pressure are at increased risks of developing various other heart ailments as well. You can easily manage your blood pressure with the help of the prescribed medication and making healthy dietary changes.
  2. Refrain from smoking – A lot of people opting for cardiac surgery in Jaipur, have been found to be regular or chain smokers. We all know that smoking is injurious to health, but there are people out there who find it difficult to get rid of the habit. Smoking accounts for 1 out of 3 deaths caused by heart diseases. In fact, smoking can speed up the accumulation of plaque and promote the production of blood clots. Smoking has also been found to increase blood pressure.
  3. Take care of your oral health – Though you may not see a link there, it is pertinent to note that maintaining good oral hygiene is extremely important for keeping your heart valves. Some research has shown a link between gingivitis, a type of gum infection, and heart infections. The bacteria present in your mouth can enter the bloodstream and reach the heart, where it can lead to chronic cardiac infection. Hence it is advisable to brush your teeth at least twice a day. You can also try flossing.

Getting Back to Your Normal Life Post Heart Failure Surgery


Heart failure is a condition marked by the inability of a person’s heart to pump blood sufficiently. This may be due to a plethora of reasons, the most common of which include stenosis. A patient suffering from heart failure requires immediate medical attention as early intervention is the key to effective treatment. Doctors specialising in heart failure treatment in Jaipur suggest that, even after the problem has been treated, there are chances that it might recur. This usually happens when the patients do not follow the guidelines set by the doctor. It is pertinent to understand that it is not only the treatment that matters but how you are willing to change your life for better.

Procedures like TAVI heart valve replacement surgery in India have proved to be a boon for hundreds and thousands of patients but the success of these procedures also depends upon post-surgical rehabilitation and care, to a great extent. The surgery alone is not going to help you if you are not willing to stick to the guidelines set by your doctor.

A healthy lifestyle will not only help you to maintain a productive life but also alleviate the risks of serious heart problems in future. In this blog, we have tried to focus on some key points that are to be taken care of after undergoing heart failure surgery.

Going back to regular lifestyle As per the doctors specialising in cardiac surgery in Jaipur, you can return back to your regular activities as soon as you start feeling better. There is a popular saying ‘good things always take time’, the same holds for your recovery. Although you might need to hold yourself from indulging in rigorous activities for sometimes, it is important to understand that your body needs this break too. You can try mild exercises or join a cardiac rehabilitation program as these not only aid your recovery but also prove to be good for your heart in the long run.

Going back to work Excess workload can put a strain on your heart which is not at all good. Undergoing a heart surgery is not a small deal and you might need to refrain from any kind of stress or workload for some weeks. The pace of recovery varies from one person to another and hence it does not matter is someone you know returned back to work within a week of the surgery while you are taking longer. Talk to your doctor about your job and what kind of work you do and let them guide you. Even if you are going back to work make sure that you conserve your energy. Avoid indulging in strenuous physical activities at home and focus majorly on self-care. Take as much rest as you can. Prepare a timetable and plan your work with short breaks in between. While sitting, try to keep your feet up as this might help to decrease the swelling in your lower limbs.

Dealing with changes in your sexual life If you think that heart failure only impacts your heart, you are definitely mistaken. The problem as well as its treatment affects all the aspects of your life. This includes your sex drive as well as your ability to participate in sexual intercourse. Although this is a temporary problem, you need to talk to your partner about it. Make sure you do not tire yourself while giving pleasure to your partner. The medication and treatment can elevate your sexual performance but not how you feel for your partner. Maintain transparency and make sure that your partner is well aware of all the issues that you are facing.

What is Aortic Stenosis and its Treatment?

Tavi heart valve replacement in Jaipur

Aortic valve stenosis or aortic stenosis begins when the heart’s aortic valve narrows. The contraction of the valve inhibits the valve from opening fully. This contraction blocks blood flow from the main artery to your body and onward to the rest of the body.

Your heart needs to work harder to pump blood to your body when the blood flow through the aortic valve is reduced or blocked. The amount of extra work by your heart limits the amount it can pump, and this results in building symptoms as well as possibly weaken your heart muscle.


Aortic valve stenosis varies from mild to severe. Aortic valve stenosis signs and symptoms commonly form when contraction of the valve is serious. Some individuals with aortic valve stenosis may not encounter symptoms for many years. Some signs and symptoms of aortic valve stenosis are:

  • Unusual heart sound (heart murmur) received through a stethoscope
  • Chest pain (angina) or tension with activity
  • Feeling faint or dizzy or passing out with activity
  • Shortness of breath, specifically when you have been active
  • Fatigue, especially during times of intensified activity
  • Heart palpitations — sensations of a speedy, flickering heartbeat
  • Not eating enough
  • Not gaining adequate weight (mainly in youngsters with aortic valve stenosis)

The heart-weakening effects of aortic valve stenosis may contribute to heart failure. Heart failure symptoms and manifestations include fatigue, shortness of breath, and inflamed ankles and feet.

If you have a heart murmur, for Heart Failure treatment in Jaipur, your specialist may recommend that you visit a cardiologist. If you acquire any symptoms that may suggest aortic valve stenosis, visit your doctor.


To diagnose aortic valve stenosis, Dr Samin K Sharma, a renowned cardiologist surgeon, may review your signs and symptoms, examine your medical history, and conduct a physical examination.

Some of the tests may include:

  • Echocardiogram
  • Electrocardiogram (ECG)
  • Chest X-ray
  • Exercise tests or stress tests
  • Cardiac computerized tomography (CT) scan
  • Cardiac MRI
  • Cardiac catheterization


Treatment for aortic valve stenosis depends on the level of your condition, whether you’re experiencing signs and symptoms, and if your condition is becoming worse.

Balloon valvuloplasty

Doctors may operate a procedure utilizing a long, thin tube (catheter) to rebuild a valve with a narrowed opening (aortic valve stenosis). In this practice, called balloon valvuloplasty, a doctor injects a catheter with a balloon on the tip into an artery in your arm or groin and escorts it to the aortic valve. For cardiac surgery in Jaipur, the surgeon doing the procedure then inflates the balloon, which enlarges the opening of the valve. The balloon is thus deflated, and the catheter and balloon are withdrawn.

The operation can treat aortic valve stenosis in toddlers and children. However, the valve tends to narrow again in people who’ve had the operation, so it’s generally only achieved in adults who are too ill for surgery or who are waiting for a valve replacement, as they occasionally require additional procedures to care for the narrowed valve over time.

Aortic valve replacement

Aortic valve replacement is usually called for to treat aortic valve stenosis. In aortic valve replacement, your surgeon separates the injured valve and supplants it with a mechanical valve or a valve build from cow, pig or human heart tissue (biological tissue valve).

Biological tissue valves degenerate over time and may ultimately need to be changed. People with mechanical valves will require blood-thinning medications for life to inhibit blood clots. Your doctor will take up with you the benefits and risks of each type of valve and examine which valve may be relevant for you.

Transcatheter aortic valve replacement

For Tavi heart valve replacement in Jaipur, TAVR may be a choice for individuals who are believed to be at intermediate or excessive risk of complications from surgical aortic valve replacement.

In TAVR, doctors inject a catheter in your leg or chest and escort it to your heart. A replacement valve is then injected through the catheter and swayed to your heart. A balloon may enlarge the valve, or some valves can self-extend. When the valve is embedded, doctors extract the catheter from your blood vessel.

Doctors may also operate a catheter procedure to implant a replacement valve into a failing biological tissue valve that is no longer working perfectly.

How to make sure that the weighing scale does not cross that healthy bar?

Weight loss surgery in Jaipur

With over 5 per cent of the population being morbidly obese, obesity is becoming a growing concern in India. Be it, adults or children, the problem affects everyone and there has been a significant rise in the number of cases in the past few decades. Marked by an excessive amount of fats in the body and the inability of our system to get rid of the same, obesity is an open doorway to a plethora diseases and ailments that affect various different organs of our body. Weight loss surgery in Jaipur has successfully helped hundreds of patients to get rid of excessive body weight within a very short period of time. This when complemented by a healthy diet and an active routine, can do wonders for you and your body as a whole. In this blog, we are going to talk about 3 simple and easy ways to keep your weight under check and bring you back from that unhealthy path towards obesity.

How your lifestyle choices lead to obesity?

Before beginning with the tips, let us first understand how your daily lifestyle accounts for it. Obesity is a result of many factors and an unhealthy lifestyle surely tops the list.

  • Unhealthy eating habits – Consumption of high-calorie diet and increased dependence on fast food is one of the major causes of obesity
  • Calorie-rich beverages – You may not realize it but you drinking more calories than you are eating. Alcohol, packed juices and soft drinks, all contribute to your calorie intake.
  • Sedentary lifestyle – Sitting at one place all day long and refraining from indulging in physical activities to increases the risks of obesity.

3 easy tips for you

  • Keep a track of what you eat

Maintaining a food diary is one of the best ways to get a rough idea of how many calories you are consuming every day. This helps you to understand if you are crossing the healthy limits and bring the levels down accordingly. As per the doctors specializing in Gastroenterology & GI Surgery in Jaipur, when you know what is going inside your body, you naturally become more aware. A lot of apps are available which can easily help you to track your calorie intake online. You can even consult a speciality and get a specially curated diet plan to make sure that you meet your daily nutritional requirements without exceeding the calorie bar. Make sure you follow this religiously.

  • Burn the calories that you don’t need

The calories present in our food provide us with energy but these are good in only limited amounts. Excess calories that are not required by our body get stored there in the form of fat. So, the best way to avoid obesity is by getting rid of these calories and burning them out. For this, it is very important to maintain the right balance between the number of calories you take and the calories you burn. As per the best doctors in Jaipur, in order to burn fat, our body should have a calorie deficit, which means that if you are consuming 1500 calories in a day, you should work out to burn more than 1500 calories. In simple words, burn more calories than you consume.

  • Don’t ignore the food labels

Have you ever checked what the label on your favourite food product says? The nutritional value bar, that most of us tend to ignore, can help you understand if the product you are buying is healthy for you or not. As per the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI), any food item that has less than 40 calories per 100 grams, is referred to as low-calorie food. Next time you go out to buy grocery, make sure you read the labels and choose food items that are low in calories and fats.

Is Migraine Affecting the Quality of your Life? Here’s all you need to know

best neurology hospital in Jaipur

You must be well acquainted with the term migraine. It is a neurological problem that triggers severe throbbing pain, usually on one side of the head, which can last for hours or even days at a stretch. When you are having a migraine attack, you are likely to feel nauseated and become sensitive to light and sound as these tend to elevate the pulsing sensation and make the pain worse. The intensity of the pain varies from person to person and in some cases, it can be so severe that it interferes with your daily activities. Doctors from the best neurology hospital in Jaipur suggest that some people even get a warning symptom or aura, before the actual attack. For instance, the person may experience visual disturbances or slight tingling on one side of the face. Medication can prove to be helpful in preventing certain migraines and even alleviate the pain and these, when complemented by healthy lifestyle changes, can significantly lower the recurrence of the migraine attack.

Recognizing the symptoms:

Migraine is not an adult problem but begins in childhood or during adolescence and progresses through 4 different stages namely prodrome, aura, attack and post-drome. People suffering from the problem do not necessarily go through all the stages.

Prodrome – These start a day or two prior to the actual attack. The changes are subtle yet noticeable and include:

  • Constipation
  • Unexplained mood swings
  • Eating disorder
  • Stiffness in the neck
  • Increased urge to urinate
  • Yawning frequently

Aura – This act as an alarm or sign for a migraine attack and is experienced a day or two before the attack. The symptoms are mostly visual and last for several minutes to an hour. These include:

  • Loss of vision
  • Pinching or needle-like sensation in the limbs
  • Numbness is one side of the face
  • Difficulty with hearing and speaking
  • Involuntary jerks
  • Seeing bright spots or flashes

Attack – The attack lasts for 4 to 72 hours or even more if left untreated. The frequency of the attacks varies from person to person. The symptoms include:

  • Sensitivity to light and sound
  • Nausea and vomiting

Post-drome – After the attack, you are likely to feel drained and tired for a day. Slight pain may also be experienced.

Most of these symptoms can be easily taken care of with the right medication and treatment which is offered at the best hospital in Jaipur.

What triggers a migraine attack?

Doctors from the best neurosurgery hospital in India suggest that migraine attack is triggered by unhealthy changes in the brain that affect the way our nerves and blood vessels function and disrupt chemical balance in the brain.

Other factors that may increase the risks of migraine include:

  • Genetics and family history of the problem
  • Hormonal changes, especially during menstruation
  • Emotional imbalance and problems such as depression, anxiety, shock etc
  • Physical reasons such as lack of sufficient sleep, poor posture, unhealthy meal pattern, jet lag and physical exertion.
  • Consumption of certain foods like caffeine, chocolate, citrus fruits etc.
  • Intake of certain supplements and medicines like birth control pills
  • Environmental triggers which include smell, sound, temperature changes.

Risk factors

Various risk factors associated with migraine include:

  • Psychological problems like depression, anxiety and bipolar disorder.
  • Excess workload and stress
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
  • Overactive bladder leading to frequent urination
  • Sleep disorders marked by very less or excessive sleeping
  • OCD or obsessive-compulsive disorder

Consult a specialist if you have any of these and get yourself evaluated for the risks of migraine.

Importance of Joint Replacement Surgery: Rehabilitation Guidelines

Joint Replacement Surgery

Joint replacement is a very common orthopaedic procedure that involves the surgical replacement of a damaged or diseased joint of the patient with an artificially created prosthetic joint that replicates the original joint in structure and function. The procedure is offered at the leading hospital for joints and sports injury treatment in India. The procedure can be performed for almost all the major joints of the body that include knee joint, hip joint, elbow joint, shoulder joint etc.

Our joints form a protective cushion for our bone ends and play a vital role in facilitating normal, pain-free movement. These, however, can get damaged due to age-related and tear, an injury sustained in an accident, excessive and unnecessary strain or an underlying disease. While people usually tend to relate joint problems with elderlies, it is pertinent to note that the problem can affect anyone.

Joint problems can lead to tremendous pain and swelling which prevent you from carrying out your day to day activities. A person might even find it difficult to move without support. The best doctors in Jaipur suggest that mild joint problems can be easily tackled with the help of medicine and regular therapies, and surgery is usually the4 last resort of treatment when other options fail to work. The surgery will not only help you to regain your mobility but also help you to move in the direction of a better and healthier life in the long run. It will surely take some time to recover from such surgery. Best joint replacement surgeon in Jaipur suggests that it is not only the surgery that matters but also what follows. Proper recovery and rehabilitation are vital for the long-term success of the procedure.

Medication and physical therapy are two key components which help to aid rehabilitation. Apart from these, there are certain guidelines that patients should follow very strictly to ensure prompt recovery

  • Perform your prescribed exercises regularly as it will help you regain strength and mobility. Initially, you may feel a little pressure or discomfort which is quite normal. This will go away within a few days.
  • It is important to keep in mind that while exercising regularly will help you recover faster but pushing yourself too much will not work out in your favour and can hamper your recovery. It is a general tendency that people push themselves once they start feeling better, but it should be kept in mind that it will do more harm than good and therefore it is best to stick to the routine that has been advised by the doctor.
  • Wear comfortable shoes as they help decrease the pressure applied to the joints. Avoid heels at any cost.
  • Maintain healthy body weight. Our joints bear the weight of our body. Excessive body weight means an unnecessary strain on your joints.
  • Staying hydrated and eating a healthy and balanced diet will also help you recover faster. Add more and more greens to your diet. Try joint-friendly foods like cherries, peppers, walnuts, kale, oatmeal etc.
  • Do not miss your physiotherapy sessions and follow-ups. Staying in constant touch with your doctor is extremely important for proper evaluation and making sure that you are going in the right direction.
  • Avoid lifting heavy objects or bending down unnecessarily.
  • Swelling is common after the surgery and ice packs and compression stockings can be used to help with the same.
  • One should also not shy away from using assistive devices if the need arises. You may require these temporarily post-surgery.
  • Medications should be taken as prescribed as they help a great deal with not only recovery but also pain management. However, you should not take any medication on your own without informing your doctor about the same.

Traumatic Brain Injuries: Everything You Need To Know

Traumatic brain injury is a blanket term used for a wide spectrum of injuries that result from a severe blow or jolt to the brain. Mild traumatic injuries can temporarily damage your brain cellsbut chronic brain injuries can lead to long-term complications and need to be resolved by seeking proper medical intervention. Since the brain controls all the functions of the body, brain injuries can give rise to a plethora of physical and psychological problems. While some of these problems are evident immediately, others may take weeks or even months to become evident. The leading neurology hospitals in India offer a broad range of treatment, management and rehabilitation options for a wide gamut of traumatic brain injuries.

Symptoms of traumatic brain injuries:

The symptoms and after-effects of the injury vary from person to person depending upon its adversity. Depending upon this, traumatic brain injuries are broadly classified into two categories – Mild traumatic injury and severe traumatic injury.

Symptoms of mild traumatic injury:

  • Loss of consciousness for some time post the injury
  • Light-headedness or dizziness
  • Headache or throbbing pain
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Temporary loss of coordination or balance
  • Slurred speech
  • Difficulty with sleep
  • Increased sensitivity to light and sound
  • Blurring of vision
  • Ringing sound in the ears
  • Mood swings
  • Memory and concentration problems

Symptoms of severe traumatic injury:

  • Loss of consciousness that may last for several hours or even days
  • Persistent headaches or frequent headaches
  • Vomiting and nausea
  • Convulsions and seizures
  • Dilation of either one or both pupils
  • Oozing of clear fluids from the nose or ears
  • Light-headedness
  • Numbness in toes and fingers
  • Problems with coordination or maintain a proper posture
  • Confusion
  • Slurred speech
  • Coma
  • Agitation

Various causes of traumatic brain injuries:

Accidents and mishaps can happen anywhere and with anyone and these are mostly inevitable. Some of the common causes of traumatic brain injury include:

  • Falls- These are more common in elderlies and small kids and include falls from stairs, windows and bed, in the bathroom, in the playing ground etc. mostly due to stumbling and tripping.
  • Vehicle collisions- These includemotor vehicle collisions and pedestrian-vehicle collisions
  • Violence- These include gunshot wounds and injuries due to domestic or child abuse.
  • Sports-related injuries- These include injuries sustained while playing rigorous sports like football, rugby, lacrosse, hockey etc.

Are there any risk factors?

Although such injuries can be experienced by anyone, there are certain factors that slightly increase the risks. These include:

  • Small children, especially infants and those below 4 years of age
  • Young adults lying in the age group of 15 to 24 years
  • Older people, above 60 years of age.

Why shouldn’t such injuries be ignored?

Doctors hailing from the best Neurology hospital in Jaipur suggest that brain injury, be it mild or severe, should not be taken lightly as it can give rise to serious complications which may become evident gradually. Some of the major complications associated with traumatic brain injuries include:

  • Coma- It refers to a persistent unconscious state that may last for a few days or weeks. A patient who is in a coma is not able to respond to any stimulus owing to severe and widespread damage to various parts of the brain.
  • Vegetative state- Within a few days, the patient can come out of the coma and enter a vegetative state. The patient is still unaware of what is happening around him/her but may be able to respond to reflexes or make sounds. In some cases, this state becomes permanent, however, it is possible that the patient progresses to a minimally conscious state.
  • Minimally conscious state- Although the patient is conscious but his consciousness is severely altered. The patient is aware of his surroundings and shows signs of self-awareness.

Some other complications associated with traumatic brain injuries include:

  • Seizures
  • Hydrocephalus
  • Severe infections
  • Damage to blood vessels
  • Vertigo
  • Paralysis
  • Loss of vision
  • Hearing loss

What needs to be done?

Treatment for traumatic brain injuries is offered at Eternal Hospital which is one of the best hospitals in Jaipur where doctors resort to the latest techniques and methods to deliver the best care to the patients. It is important to not take such injuries lightly and seek immediate medical help. Also, it is pertinent to note that you can reduce the risks of such injuries by being careful and using proper gear, seat belts, airbags, helmets etc.