Getting Back to Your Normal Life Post Heart Failure Surgery


Heart failure is a condition marked by the inability of a person’s heart to pump blood sufficiently. This may be due to a plethora of reasons, the most common of which include stenosis. A patient suffering from heart failure requires immediate medical attention as early intervention is the key to effective treatment. Doctors specialising in heart failure treatment in Jaipur suggest that, even after the problem has been treated, there are chances that it might recur. This usually happens when the patients do not follow the guidelines set by the doctor. It is pertinent to understand that it is not only the treatment that matters but how you are willing to change your life for better.

Procedures like TAVI heart valve replacement surgery in India have proved to be a boon for hundreds and thousands of patients but the success of these procedures also depends upon post-surgical rehabilitation and care, to a great extent. The surgery alone is not going to help you if you are not willing to stick to the guidelines set by your doctor.

A healthy lifestyle will not only help you to maintain a productive life but also alleviate the risks of serious heart problems in future. In this blog, we have tried to focus on some key points that are to be taken care of after undergoing heart failure surgery.

Going back to regular lifestyle As per the doctors specialising in cardiac surgery in Jaipur, you can return back to your regular activities as soon as you start feeling better. There is a popular saying ‘good things always take time’, the same holds for your recovery. Although you might need to hold yourself from indulging in rigorous activities for sometimes, it is important to understand that your body needs this break too. You can try mild exercises or join a cardiac rehabilitation program as these not only aid your recovery but also prove to be good for your heart in the long run.

Going back to work Excess workload can put a strain on your heart which is not at all good. Undergoing a heart surgery is not a small deal and you might need to refrain from any kind of stress or workload for some weeks. The pace of recovery varies from one person to another and hence it does not matter is someone you know returned back to work within a week of the surgery while you are taking longer. Talk to your doctor about your job and what kind of work you do and let them guide you. Even if you are going back to work make sure that you conserve your energy. Avoid indulging in strenuous physical activities at home and focus majorly on self-care. Take as much rest as you can. Prepare a timetable and plan your work with short breaks in between. While sitting, try to keep your feet up as this might help to decrease the swelling in your lower limbs.

Dealing with changes in your sexual life If you think that heart failure only impacts your heart, you are definitely mistaken. The problem as well as its treatment affects all the aspects of your life. This includes your sex drive as well as your ability to participate in sexual intercourse. Although this is a temporary problem, you need to talk to your partner about it. Make sure you do not tire yourself while giving pleasure to your partner. The medication and treatment can elevate your sexual performance but not how you feel for your partner. Maintain transparency and make sure that your partner is well aware of all the issues that you are facing.

Author: Eternal Heart Care Centre

Eternal Hospital has emerged as a destination of choice for many national & international patients owing to the exclusive services and excellent medical outcomes delivered at Eternal Hospital.

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